Contact Info


208 Hardee Street West
Anadarko, OK 73005
United States

Mailing Address

PO Box 369
Carnegie, OK 73015
United States


CPS Worker/ Guardianship

ARPA Representative/Burial Assistance

ARPA Representative

ARPA Respresentative

ARPA Representative

HHS Receptionist

The Kiowa Tribe Social Services has several programs (LiHeap, Emergency Assistance, General Assistance, Domestic Family Violence, and Burial Assistance) that work hard to assist Kiowa tribal members to achieve self-sufficiency through community resources and/or programs.

Applications are available online (see downloads below) as well as the Social Services offices in Carnegie and Anadarko.

  • Eligibility

    The programs under Social Services are available to all enrolled Kiowa members. However the programs: General Assistance and LiHeap do have restricted service areas.


  • Service Area

    Burial Assistance: No restrictions

    Emergency Assistance: No restrictions

    General Assistance: Caddo, Kiowa, and Comanche counties only

    LiHeap: Caddo, Kiowa, and Comanche counties only

    Must be enrolled Kiowa member and able to submit a copy of CDIB (certificate of Indian blood).

    * Domestic Family Violence is available to anyone.

  • Required Documentation

    Burial Assistance: Completed application, CDIB, Death Certificate, and Bill from funeral home.

    Emergency Assistance: Completed application, CDIB, (1) current bill from utility company; (2) current medical bill and/or invoice for medical supplies; (3) lease agreement and landlord's W9 (for rent assistance).

    General Assistance: CDIB, verification of residence, copy of social security card for all family members, verification of income, verification of applications for TANF or SSI, verification of enrollment in GED classes (if applicable), complete health exam (if applicable), complete employment contact forms, complete individual self-sufficiency plan (ISP)

    LiHeap Program: complete application, low or no income form, head of household form, CDIB for all adults, social security cards for all household members, and income verification

  • Burial Assistance Program

    Burial Assistance, under the Kiowa Tribe COVID-19 Response Program, is designed to alleviate the financial hardships associated with funeral costs for Kiowa Tribal members. The funding under this program is to assist with expenses for professional funeral services, headstone, and flowers/meal. The total amount of Burial Assistance authorized for each item cost is as detailed below:


    • Professional funeral services shall not exceed: $8,000
    • Headstone shall not exceed: $1,000
    • Flowers for service shall not exceed: $250.00
    • Meal Assistance shall not exceed $300


    Payments will go directly to the funeral home and headstone business. A check will be payable to the responsible party for the flower/meal assistance by the Kiowa Tribe COVID-19 Response Program. The family is responsible for any remaining or additional funeral expenses after assistance has been applied.

Online Forms