District 1 - Ah-Kaw-Lay/Anadarko

Legislator: Kyle Ataddlety
District 2 - Zoltone/Carnegie

Legislator/Speaker: Michael Primus II
Kiowa Tribal Complex, 100 Kiowa Way, Carnegie, OK 73015
Office Manager: Michael D. Attocknie
Phone: 580-919-7377
District 3 - DoHay-doy/Medicine Bluff

Legislator: Timothy Satepauhoodle
101 Thoma Drive, Elgin OK 73538
Office Manager: Missy Strickland
District 4 - Qop-aydle/Jimmy Creek

Legislator: Cole DeLaune
1621 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton, Oklahoma, 73501
Office Manager: Genevieve Oldbear, (580) 919-1736
Email: goldbear@kiowatribe.org
District 5 - P'au-aydle/Red River

Legislator: Tiya Rosario
2713 NW 22nd Street
Lawton, OK 73505
General email: district5legislatureoffice@kiowatribe.org
Office Manager: Richelle Garcia, (580) 699-2652
District 6 - Qocaui P'au/Elk Creek

Legislator: Ben Lucero Wolf
P.O. Box 702, Hobart, OK 73651
Office Manager: Tina Gouladdle
District 7 - Cauigu/All Kiowa

Legislator: Warren Queton
Office Location:
123 24th Ave NW, Norman, OK 73069
Tulsa Location
15 E 16th St
Tulsa, OK 74119
Office: 539-525-0437
Office Manager: Tara Bigbow
Upcoming Events
Legislative Law Library
Notice of Legislative Sessions
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 7048 8973
Passcode: 235363
Pending Resolutions Published for Review
RESOLUTION KL-CY-2024-0XX Kiowa Gaming Commission Ordinance Act of 2024 sponsor-Alana Quetone_2.pdf
Draft - Kiowa Gaming Ord as revised after KGC meeting (3) 9.05.2024.pdf
KL-CY-2024-00X First Amendment to the Kiowa Code of 2017 Sponsor-Michael Primus 8-29-2024 (IAE).pdf
AMENDED KL-CY-2024-0XX BOK Financial Resolution 10222024 Sponsor Michael Primus.pdf
AMENDED KL-CY-2024-0XX Sovereign Bank Resolution 10222024 Sponsor Michael Primus.pdf
KL-CY-2025-0XX First Amendment to the 2018 Nepotism Prevention Act sponsor Cole DeLaune 2.7.2025.pdf
KL-CY-2025-XX 2025 TERO Ordinance Act sponsor-Warren Queton 2.5.2025.pdf
KL-CY-2025-00X A Resolution to adopt KEA mission statement Sponsor Warren Queton 3.7.2025.pdf