1. Birth Certificates
  2. Social Security Cards
  3. CDIB (Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood)
  4. Proof of Guardianship (if applicable)
  5. Property Deed in homeowners name
  6. Proof of Homeowner Insurance 
  7. Current proof of income (earned and/or unearned)
  • Payroll check stubs (last 3 months)
  • Most recent income tax return
  • Social Security / SSI Disability (current award letter)
  • Unemployment benefits (determination letter)
  • TANF (award letter)
  • Child Support paid and/or received (copy of court order)
  • Education Scholarship/Stipends (award letter)
  • VA Benefits (award letter or check stubs)
  • IIM Transaction Report (last 12 months or letter showing not a landowner)